Filet Mignon Au Poivre

Filet Mignon Au Poivre Recipe by Best Online Steaks

Filet Mignon Au Poivre Recipe Best Steaks Online
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Steak Au Poivre is a dish that originated in France. It is traditionally comprised of filet mignon but has been adapted to be made with other cuts of steak as well. The meat is coated with a loose crust of peppercorns, which perfectly complement the rich flavor of filet mignon. The first known writings of this recipe date back to medieval times found in a preparation for venison.

Ingredients and Directions for Steak Au Poivre


6 filet mignon (each about 1 ¼ inch thick) 

Salt to taste 

2 tbsp black pepper, coarsely ground 

3 ½ tbsp butter (not margarine), unsalted, divided 

1 ½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil

3 to 4 shallots (about ¾ cup chopped) 

1 can beef broth 14 oz. or homemade 

½ cup Cognac or brandy (good quality) 

1.  Place the filets on a flat surface and pat with a paper towel to dry them. Sprinkle both sides of the filets with salt and press the black pepper onto the meat, so it sticks well. Rest the steaks at room temperature for at least 15 minutes. 

2.  In a large saute pan over medium-high heat, 1 ½ tbsp of butter and the olive oil. Allow to heat until the butter has almost completely melted and the olive oil has a shimmer on the surface. 

3.  Return the steaks to the pan. Reduce the heat to medium. Saute for 4 minutes on the first side, followed by 3 minutes on the other to achieve medium rare. Plate the steaks and cover well with aluminum foil to continue cooking through residual heat. 

4.  Save 1 tbsp. of dripping and add the rest to the pan. Add shallots to the pan and cook over medium heat for about 2 minutes. Add broth and cook for an additional 4 minutes on high heat. The broth should reduce by half. While it is reducing, use your spoon to break loose the tasty bits that are on the bottom of the pan. 

5.  Carefully add the Cognac to the pan. It can momentarily burst into flames when the alcohol meets the heat. Cook for another 90 seconds. Turn off the heat. Add in the remaining butter with a ½ tsp salt. 

6.  Serve the steaks with sauce drizzled over the top. 

Side Dish Recommendations

This recipe is excellent served with roasted potatoes with melted blue cheese or au gratin potatoes. A great side vegetable is asparagus sauteed in butter with salt and pepper. 

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